Friday, July 12, 2019

Dairy Substitutions

Dairy Substitutions: Savory Sweet and Satisfying

Many years ago while looking for a substitute for whole milk I came across a website for Cooks Illustrated, that listed several different options for substituting whole milk and also included half and half and heavy whipping cream. I saved that website and have been using it ever since.

I thought it was time to share this useful source with all of you. Plus sometimes I have to search for the info again, because the link I saved does not work anymore. I also included ways to substitute buttermilk. I do not remember where I came across these substitutions, but they are what I use every time I don't have any or don't want to buy buttermilk.

To Replace 1 Cup Whole Milk
5/8 cup skim (low fat milk) + 3/8 cup half and half
2/3 cup 1% milk + 1/3 cup half and half
3/4 cup 2% milk + 1/4 cup half and half
7/8 cup skim milk + 1/8 cup heavy cream

To Replace 1 Cup Half and Half
3/4 cup whole milk + 1/4 cup heavy cream
2/3 cup skim (low fat) milk + 1/3 heavy cream

Heavy Cream Substitute 
Evaporated milk can be used in place of heavy cream in soups and sauces. This substitution will not work in baked goods or where the cream needs to be whipped.

Buttermilk Substitutions
Add 1 tablespoon white vinegar or lemon juice to a glass measuring cup. Fill to the 1 cup mark with milk and stir. Let stand for 5 minutes before using.

I hope the substitutions help you in your cooking like they have helped me.

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